Candy began her long journey home in January 2023 when she was rescued from Cornetu kill shelter. Ever since then, sponsor Regine Brudniok was close to her by heart & mind (even if far away by body). Regine supported Candy’s care in Ringo Land Romania every month.
Candy’s first hardship was her cherry eye operation. The professionalism of one of the clinics with which we work, and Regine’s positive energy helped Candy surpass the surgery quickly and easily.

And then the real challenge surfaced – Candy’s anxiety was a big obstacle to her ever becoming adopted. Regine quickly understood that she will need behavioural rehabilitation sessions in Ringo Land’s training programme.

Our trainer’s, Diana Ringo Land’s patience, gentleness and resilience in showing her love and protection helped Candy open up, but still only after months of work.

Candy was so scared that we will forever remember her escape from her kennel and into the hens’ area from Ringo, under some tree logs – Diana knelt before the little princess and she finally came out. We bought her a GPS vest to make sure we would find her if this ever happened again.
Then, Candy’s saga marked a new stage in our affective memory when Regine wanted us to build her a doghouse even if Candy resided in an indoor area in Ringo (in a kennel enclosed even on its ceiling because she would attempt to jump).

But Candy’s bright saga begins when Regine decided to adopt her. We have never been reported such detailed preparations on the part of an adopter: medical appointments, financial arrangements, house and courtyard preparations… all done in advance to be able to dedicate her undivided attention when Candy was to arrive. Her photos showing us the nook she had prepared for Candy are heartwarming.
And then her saga continues, but on another level. Regine was prepared for everything and she documented this for us in detail:
Candy arrived at Regine’s with the first rays of the morning, at 5 a.m.;

she quickly found her favourite bed – in the living room;

her inspecting the courtyard and the lawn was a great discovery;

Regine gently monitored her while she adapted to the new environment, smells, people and siblings;

she slowly started to relax;

her spending time on the lawn was totally safe now with the biothane leash (allowing her space and controlling her walking distance);

her comfort zone extended more and more;

her coming into the bedroom was a victory,

and Kadro is always a good companion and comforter when noises from the TV would scare her;

gathering up the courage to explore more and more under Regine’s gentle guidance;

she ran away when hearing the vacuum cleaner, but brother Kadro comforted her

she nearly fell asleep after Regine sang her a song .

She is really ready now to start her new life and leave the past behind.
We are extremely glad and grateful to have been part of Candy’s saga, to have had the support of such a sponsor who became the adopter. We hope only to be able to assist and write more such success stories which helps us finish a circular process: rescue–rehabilitation–rehome.
P.S. Many thanks to Margret Borchardt, who also sponsored Candy in her last months at Ringo land shelter and who now gets to visit Candy in her new home.